It’s okay for your cat to say “no thank you”. It’s up to you as their guardian to learn what their “no” cues are and respect them. Some “no thank you’s” are walking away, tail swishing, lip licking, growling, or a gentle bite in your direction.
Cats will tell you “no thank you” to set their boundaries and tell you when to stop. When you ignore those signs your cat’s only other options are to resort to biting or scratching. This is why brushing, claw trims, and even petting turn to mini battles between you and your cat.
Regular care like brushing and claw trims can be done in small steps over many days that respect your cat’s “no’s”. Adding treats to the mix can help build a better liking for those too! Fear Free Happy Homes explains stress-free claw trims in eight easy steps.
Cats can enjoy petting, but remember that not every cat will. It isn’t their responsibility to accept attention because humans want it.
If you want to see more “yes’s” from your cat, listen to their "no's", break tasks into smaller steps, and add in some tasty snacks!